Suggested corrections are available when the original address is not ambiguous. Otherwise, warning prompts are shown.
Q: What are ambiguous addresses?
A: These addresses are often undeliverable and the intended address is not clear. Common examples include:
missing apartment #: an apartment complex may have dozens of units
missing street #: a given street may have numerous buildings
invalid street name and # combination: "123 Test Street"
Example ambiguous address: 401 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94102
This address does not exist and if you try to locate it on Google Maps, it drops a pin in the middle of an intersection:
When a customer specifies this address, he/she will be presented with a warning message that looks like this:
No suggestions could be found in this case because there are too many possibilities - the user could have intended any of the buildings on Howard Street.
Example unambiguous address: 400 Howard St, San Francisco, CA 94105
If the user specifies an address that is slightly wrong, he/she will be presented with suggested changes that look like this: